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Committee on Investments

The Committee on Investments of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the executive body of the Foreign Investors Council chaired by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As part of its wider mandate to provide assistance in promoting the development of favorable investment climate in the country and attracting additional foreign investments, the Committee is in charge of the FIC operations and performs in this regard the following functions:
1. Organizing and conducting plenary and interim sessions of the Council, which includes drafting speeches (the Head of State, Minister of Industry and Trade, Chairman of the Committee on Investments); compiling the list of participants; preparation of some working documents and materials for the sessions (agenda, the running order of sessions, draft Minutes, reports on implementation of the minutes of previous meetings, etc.); handling some organizational issues, preparation and approval of the official Minutes of the session.

2. Monitoring and control over the implementation of decisions outlined in the Minutes of the plenary and interim sessions of the Council; preparing relevant reports and analytical materials.
3. Analyzing the structure of FIC, preparing proposals on accepting new FIC members, accepting applications and compiling a waiting list for the Council membership.
4. Drafting special resolutions pertaining to the activities of the Council (draft Orders of the President, Resolutions of the Prime-Minister or the Head of the Presidents Administration).
5. Analyzing the activities of the Council and its joint working groups.
6. Examining, developing and implementing proposals aimed at improving the effectiveness of the Council.


Marat Makhanov maratmakhanov@mail.ru 2010

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